Monday, April 30, 2007

Newfie Land

Still here in St Johns NL. This little fishing village is such a wonderful little town. It is so peaceful and relaxed. They run on Newfie Land time (the same as Fiji or Island time), so that can take a bit of getting used to. Newfie's are a different type of people all together. Their accents are more Irish than Canadian and they have little phrases that can take a bit of working out! Yesterday was generally fine weather and today seems to be foggy so far, but hopefully it will lift soon and I'll go for a hike up Signal Hill (highest point in town over the harbour). It is around this time of year you might be able to see icebergs floating towards the harbour entrance.

Didn't end up getting Screeched in the other night so maybe tonight!

Did a recalc of time leading up to 11 May which is when I have to be over in Vancouver to start my rockies tour. So I had to modify my schedule a bit. Unfortunately I have to drop St Pierre off my list. The schedules to get over to the island are still infrequent this time of the year and it would absorb too much of my travel time to get there. This gives me more time in Halifax, Quebec City and Montreal.

So the weather did lift a bit and Ian (a guy from Vancouver) and I decided to trek around and up Signal Hill. Closed signs on the walking track didn't stop us, whats a few missing sets of stairs eh? Got most of the way before the drizzle set in. On the way back to the hostel, we found a small goods shop that sold Seal Flipper Pie. Soooo, had to try it. Seals up this part of the world are like Kangaroo I guess. Dark tender sort of meat. Not bad. Picked up a great Newfie T shirt too!

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