Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Screech and finally sunshine

So I got "Screeched In" at one of the Pubs in St John's, it involved saying some phrases in Newfie speak, a shot a Screech (dark rum from the bottom of the barrel basically) and then kissing a frozen cod. A bit of a tradition.

Hung out again with a few local girls (Jen, Alison, Ginny, Reneta) we met the day before and ended up having a late one.

Down in Halifax in Nova Scotia now and finally got a few hours of sunshine today. Had a look around town and went through the old citadel that adorns the top of a hill in the centre of this harbour city.

Quiet night tonight....at this stage! And it was! Smoked Meat and Sauerkraut sandwich known as a Reuben from Bearly's ( a Blues Pub next door).

Next day headed out around town again and got on the Harbour Hopper - an amphibius vehicle that is a great way to see around town and the port areas.

Later that night - Kareoke!

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