Saturday, April 28, 2007

The journey so far... Vancouver to St John's


Yes I'm still alive! Haven't had a chance to post a blog entry as I haven't been near a capable computer. Now I'm on one (although it's win 98 and no USB, so no pics to upload!) and thought I'd better post something.

The flights over were great. During the 18hr stop in Taipei, China Airlines put the pax up in the Miramar Golf Club Resort. No shortage of water here as every toilet uses the maximum amount of waater in a flush that was possible. Managed to line up a free morning tour courtesy of the Taiwanese Govt. So myself and another Aussie from the flight jumped into the mini tour bus and were whisked away to look at some temples and the local markets / pottery district. Made it back to the airport intime and managed to snag an exit row for the flight to Vancouver.

Not alot of sleep occurred, but next thing I knew, we had arrived. Local time 9am. Heaps of young Brisbanians onboard setting off for their 1 year working holiday in the Rockies.

Found my hostel in "Downtown" Vancouver. This place was FLASH for the $24 i paid. Keycard entry, new bathrooms, wireless internet in the common areas (my pda got a bit of a workout).

Checked out a few museums and stuff as the weather was rainy and approx 10 deg C. Back for a nanna nap then next door into the Irish pub for beers with the locals. The night couldn't get any better, then Napoleon Dynamite came on the big screen tv!

The next 2 days, weather was much the same, but I donned the wet weather gear and got out and about to Stanley Park and Granville Island (where they had a brewery the produces some very fine beer!). A Ghostly Gastown tour at night, followed by some local bands was a good end to the day.

I flew out of Vancouver last night bound for St John's (New Foundland) via Toronto and Halifax. A red eye and a half! Dept 11pm and with the time zone changes, arrived at 1300 local in St John's.

Staying in a quirky little guest house with a few others including a guy from the Gold Coast. It is snowing! Been told we have to go a few local pubs tonight and get "screeched in". Apparently a tradition in St John's. At this stage I think it involves beer, kissing a cod, talking in local lingo and more beer. I'll fill you in tomorrow!

1 comment:

Nat said...

Sounds like your flight over was a holiday in itself... All I ask for is a photo of you being screeched in!
Tip: Make friends with at least one hostie on your flight, it got me a whole heap of free alcohol to take off the flight...
Take care Cheesy, great to hear you are having fun :-)

